
Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m a student illustrator from Newcastle with an interest in publishing, editorial, and product & packaging.

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CPP104: Practitioner Enquiry – Entry 10

Firstly, I want to reflect on the aims and objectives that I set for myself at the beginning of this module. The first one being to “communicate with an industry professional”; this one, I know that I have definitely achieved as I had continuous contact with my mentor both in person and online. Our communication…

CPP104: Practitioner Enquiry – Entry 9

Going into designing my final tattoos, I picked out my favourite thumbnails and decided to go with dotwork style. As I had mentioned, I have done dotwork in the past and I loved how it turned out so I wanted to try it again. I started with the sun design, and I was thinking of…

CPP104: Practitioner Enquiry – Entry 8

Considering the fact that many participants in my survey claimed that they would prefer a tattoo design with a more subliminal message, I thought it would be a good idea to explore some symbolism. I already owned a book that specialised in this area so I took to the pages to investigate signs and symbols…

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