Penguin: Cover Design Award – Final Piece and Evaluation

For the final section of this project, I began with sketching out some thumbnails. I came up with six different possible designs, all featuring at least one black woman as the main subject. I decided to go with the design where the woman was partly covered by the title as I thought it might represent … Continue reading Penguin: Cover Design Award – Final Piece and Evaluation

AOI: World Illustration Awards – Final Piece and Evaluation

Now that all of my research and development is done, I can begin planning final outcome ideas and thumbnailing designs. Figure 1 - First double page of thumbnails. Figure 2 - Second page of thumbnails. I sketched out as many thumbnails as I could, making sure that I included the imagery that I had found … Continue reading AOI: World Illustration Awards – Final Piece and Evaluation

AOI: World Illustration Awards – Development

After collecting the research required for this project, I started developing my ideas and producing visual responses. I started with sketching some objects that immediately sprang to mind when I thought of witches, for example potion bottles, crystals, witchy symbols like pentagrams, etc. I thought the crystals would be a great object to look into … Continue reading AOI: World Illustration Awards – Development

AOI: World Illustration Awards – Research

Every year, the Association of Illustrators host the World Illustration Awards, and this year I decided to participate for my first commercial project. "The World Illustration Awards showcase the great work being made by illustrators all over the world today" (AOI, 2022). I opted to work within the specialism of Product & Packaging, since this … Continue reading AOI: World Illustration Awards – Research